Market Update: Global Market

Welcome to our new, weekly leadership tip and update for scrap steel, scrap aluminium and scrap copper presented by Tyrone Landsman, Managing Director at Future Recycling. In this week’s update, Tyrone explains how the pandemic has impacted global markets and export. Business consultant, Harold Krawitz, provides a forward and his business tips from sport about teamwork in business. Watch now…

Market Update: COVID Safe

Welcome to our new, weekly leadership tip and update for scrap steel, scrap aluminium and scrap copper presented by Tyrone Landsman, Managing Director at Future Recycling. In this week’s update, Tyrone explains the COVID Safe procedures the business has put in place. Business consultant, Harold Krawitz, provides a forward and his business tips from sport about strategy and coping with change. Watch now…

Market Update: Leadership

Welcome to our new, weekly leadership tip and market update for scrap steel, scrap aluminium and scrap copper presented by Tyrone Landsman, Managing Director at Future Recycling. In business, especially during times of uncertainty, sometimes all that’s needed is leadership and support. Business consultant, Harold Krawitz, provides a forward and his business tips from the sporting fields including some insights from the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Watch now…

Pakenham Waste Transfer Station

Futuristic waste transfer station opens in Pakenham

Jordan Crugnale MP, Member for Bass opened the brand new Future Recycling Waste Transfer Station in Pakenham today.


Repurposing waste

Twelve recycled art ideas and DIY projects

World Ocean Day fell on the 8th of June this year and the health of the oceans has never been more in question. The journal Science (I know, straightforward name) reported that 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year. It’s a startling number, and a very frightening one considering how vital the health of the world’s oceans is for all life. (more…)

Cash for scrap metal banned

Long awaited legislative changes

On the 27th of September of 2017, the Victorian parliament passed laws banning cash payments for scrap metal recycling. With this legislation in effect following parliamentary assent, a transition period for businesses to incorporate the new practice requirements by the 30 May 3018; at the latest as all provisions will be activated, the Justice Legislation Amendment (Protective Service Officers and Other Matters) Act will change the scrap metal landscape. (more…)

China’s new waste import policy

In the wake of China’s decision to prohibit foreign exports of certain recyclable waste, council contractors are no doubt scratching their heads as to what to do next. How do they manage their obligations, where will all this material go. (more…)

China’s decision to stop taking foreign waste

China has long been the leader in imported recyclable materials, just as it is in much of the world’s international trade. However, the decision by China to no longer accept recyclable imports has sent much of the world into disarray. (more…)

The circular economy

Fear can either lead us forward or drive us back. Change rarely comes without stumbles and hiccups, and such a thought can be a pretty daunting one. However, the opportunity that the circular economy presents is one that may very well be the planet’s saviour. Or if you’re a glass half full person, at the very least, an opportunity for the planet to answer a particularly challenging equation. (more…)

It doesn’t all have to go to waste

Cras tincidunt, diam eu sodales accumsan, nisl metus facilisis dui, eu placerat magna justo sed metus. Donec quis molestie lacus, sed ornare lectus. Phasellus elementum turpis eu tortor dictum, a imperdiet leo varius. Fusce mattis accumsan ullamcorper. Duis vulputate eu nulla in pretium. Suspendisse potenti.