Pakenham Waste Transfer Station

Futuristic waste transfer station opens in Pakenham

Jordan Crugnale MP, Member for Bass opened the brand new Future Recycling Waste Transfer Station in Pakenham today.


China’s decision to stop taking foreign waste

China has long been the leader in imported recyclable materials, just as it is in much of the world’s international trade. However, the decision by China to no longer accept recyclable imports has sent much of the world into disarray. (more…)

It doesn’t all have to go to waste

Cras tincidunt, diam eu sodales accumsan, nisl metus facilisis dui, eu placerat magna justo sed metus. Donec quis molestie lacus, sed ornare lectus. Phasellus elementum turpis eu tortor dictum, a imperdiet leo varius. Fusce mattis accumsan ullamcorper. Duis vulputate eu nulla in pretium. Suspendisse potenti.