Future Recycling Waste Transfer Station prides itself on obtaining a high level of OHS at all times. Visitors attending this facility must at all times abide by ALL rules, regulations, instructions and signage.
- All visitors MUST attend the office prior to entering the facility
- Children are not permitted on the facility unless in a vehicle
- Visitors are not permitted to enter the open sorting area
- Enclosed Footwear is to be worn at ALL times
- Visitors are not permitted to wander around the facility unless instructed to do so and MUST be wearing high visibility vests or shirts
- Abusive behaviour will NOT be tolerated
- Visitors MUST be aware of machinery at all times and abide by operator instructions
- Theft will NOT be tolerated. This includes helping yourself to items around the yard
- Drivers are to drive at walking pace only
- Visitors are to park on the street
- Visitors are NOT permitted to smoke on site
Future Recycling Transfer Station reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at any time if the person(s) involved are of risk to OHS and / or not following rules and regulations.